Blues Rugby

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With 20-week-old twins in her arms, the last thing that former Black Fern Aroha Savage was expecting was a call from nib Blues coach Willie Walker.

The call was to inquire if Savage, a 33-capped No 8 for the Black Ferns and formerly with Auckland, Counties Manukau and Northland, would consider a return to the game.

After careful thought, Savage agreed, but when the next call came from Walker, it shocked her more. It was to ask if she would accept the role as captain for the inaugural Sky Super Rugby Aupiki competition.

“At first it was a chat about how many minutes I could play, but then he went on to ask if I would consider the role as captain. I was totally shocked and felt my heart sinking, it would be a privilege and honour to lead this team.”

“Firstly returning to play after having my twins and now having the opportunity to lead the team as captain is my greatest challenge yet.”

Savage said after the 2020 season she became pregnant and assumed that her rugby days would be behind her.

“I thought this was such a big and important thing for women’s rugby and I wanted to be part of it. I have always believed in taking opportunities when they are infront of you. So, it wasn’t a hard decision to accept.”

Many weeks of hard work, made easier with experience and wisdom, have seen Savage back in trim.

“After my first training I thought there was no way I could do this. I couldn’t even run. My twins are what motivated me to get out there every day to train harder. I knew my return to play was bigger than myself. I wanted to prove if I can do this, so can all the other mumma’s out there that want to return to sport. I am proud of what I have achieved so far, however I still have a long way to go.”

She was somewhat nervous at the first team camp as she only knew a handful of the players.

“After our first run I was blown away with the amount of talent just waiting to explode and deliver. It is another level and I can’t wait to get out there with these girls.

“We set high standards and we are on the right track.”

What is more she will be taking her twins with her into the bubble at Taupo, and within the group there are plenty of helping hands to provide a very unique experience for her babies.

Walker said he was thrilled to have Savage back in the playing ranks as skipper.

“We have got some very good leaders in our group who will provide huge support but Aroha has such special qualities as a player and as a person. This is an important stepping stone for the development of women’s rugby in this country, and she is the right person to lead us.”

Savage is a two-time Rugby World Cup winner who began her career at the age of 17 with Auckland through the Manurewa Rugby Club and made her debut for the Black Ferns when she was 20.

The squad head to Taupo this week to prepare for their opening this weekend against the Chiefs.